tkPlotXY: plot of curves


tkPlotXY is a 2D plotting library based on Matplotlib. The aim of tkPlotXY is to provide to users an easier scriptable interface and a useful graphical interface for plotting data in arrays or pyTrees.

tkPlotXY uses preferentially 1D-data from pyTrees but in the scriptable interface, some other ways to define datas are available and will be exposed in this document.

This module is part of Cassiopee, a free open-source pre- and post-processor for CFD simulations.

For use in a python script, you have to import tkPlotXY module:

import tkPlotXY

One line plot function

tkPlotXY can be used with a single function.

tkPlotXY.plot(a, varx, vary, rangex=None, rangey=None, export=None, ...)

Plot 1D zones of a.

  • a ([pyTree, base, zone, list of zones]) – input data

  • varx (string) – name of variable to plot in X

  • vary (string) – name of variable to plot in Y

  • rangex (None or list of two floats) – if not None, range for x variable. If None, automatic setting.

  • rangey (None or list of two floats) – if not None, range for y variable. If None, automatic setting.

  • xlabel (None or string) – if not None, name to display on x axis.

  • ylabel (None or string) – if not None, name to display on y axis.

  • xformat (None or string like '9.3f') – if not None, format for x axis values.

  • yformat (None or string like '9.3f') – if not None, format for y axis values.

  • legends (None or list of strings) – if not None, the name of curves to be displayed in legend.

  • export (None or name of export file) – if None, interactive plot, otherwise name of export file.

  • lineWidth (float (default: 1.5) or list of floats for each zone) – width of plot lines

  • lineColor (string or list of strings for each zone) – color of plot lines. Html string (#FFFFFF) or color name (‘black).

  • markerStyle (string or list of strings for each zone) – style of marker, ‘none’, ‘+’, ‘o’, …

  • markerWidth (float (default: 6.5) or list of floats for each zone) – width of markers

  • markerFaceColor (string or list of string for each zone) – face color of markers. Html string (#FFFFFF) or color name (‘black).

  • markerEdgeColor (string) – edge color of markers. Html string (#FFFFFF) or color name (‘black).

Example of use:

# - tkPlotXY (pyTree) -
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Generator.PyTree as G
import tkPlotXY

# Cas test
a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (100,1,1))
C._initVars(a, '{F}={CoordinateX}*{CoordinateX}')
C._initVars(a, '{centers:G}={centers:CoordinateX}')
b = G.cart((100,0,0), (1,1,1), (100,1,1))
C._initVars(b, '{F}={CoordinateX}*{CoordinateX}')
C._initVars(b, '{centers:G}={centers:CoordinateX}')

tkPlotXY.plot([a,b], varx='CoordinateX', vary='centers:G', 
              xformat='03.1f', yformat='03.1f',
              legends=['courbe1', 'courbe2'],

Usage with classes

In case of the previous function doesnt provide enough flexibility, you can use tkPlotXY with classes that provide access to a full customization. Here goes two simple examples, an interactive one and a batch one.

Example of use:

# - tkPlotXY (interactive) -
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Generator.PyTree as G
import tkPlotXY

a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1.e-3,1,1), (100,1,1))
C._initVars(a, '{F}={CoordinateX}*{CoordinateX}')
C._initVars(a, '{centers:G}={centers:CoordinateX}*{centers:CoordinateX}')

desktop, win = tkPlotXY.createTkDesktop()

graph0 = desktop.createGraph('graph', '1:1')
# La localisation des champs dans Curve doit etre homogene
curve0 = tkPlotXY.Curve(zone=['Base/cart'], varx='CoordinateX', 
                        vary='F@FlowSolution', line_color='#7f00ff', 
graph0.addCurve('1:1', curve0)

# - tkPlotXY (batch) -
import Converter.PyTree as C
import Generator.PyTree as G
import tkPlotXY

a = G.cart((0,0,0), (1,1,1), (100,1,1))
C._initVars(a, '{F}={CoordinateX}*{CoordinateX}')
C._initVars(a, '{centers:G}={centers:CoordinateX}*{centers:CoordinateX}')

desktop = tkPlotXY.Desktop()

graph0 = desktop.createGraph('graph', '1:1')
curve0 = tkPlotXY.Curve(zone=['Base/cart'], varx='CoordinateX', 
                        vary='F@FlowSolution', line_color='#7f00ff', 
graph0.addCurve('1:1', curve0)

# Modify axis range
axis = graph0.getAxis('1:1')
axis.x.setValue('axis_autoscale', False)
axis.x.setValue('axis_min', 30.)
axis.x.setValue('axis_max', 50.)
axis.y.setValue('axis_autoscale', False)
axis.y.setValue('axis_min', 1000.)
axis.y.setValue('axis_max', 2000.)
