
Configured platform

The file src/main/scala/pml/examples/simple/SimpleExport shows how graphical exports are produced (stored in export folder) from a platform:

  • graph of used SW and HW
  • graph of used services per application
  • table of transaction
  • table of data
  • table of SW allocation to HW
  • table of component activation
  • table of SW usage
  • routing table
  • transfert table

Interference analysis

The file src/main/scala/views/interference/examples/SimpleInterferenceGeneration shows how interference analysis can be performed on a configured platform. The generated files are stored in analysis folder:

  • computation of n-itf
  • computation of n-free
  • computation of n-channels

As an example the following interference is identified as a 3-itf in the first time slice:

< app1_wr_d2 || app21_wr_d1 || app4_wr_input_d >


Figure 5: Example of footprint and interference channel (identified by the two circles)