Installing dependencies

The PML analyzer is an open source API providing a simple DSL to build a description of the architecture of your chip based on the PHYLOG Model Language (PML). From this representation a set of safety and interference model templates can be generated to perfom safety and interference analyses of your platform.

The only dependencies of the PML analyzer are:

  • The Java Runtime Environment version 8 JRE 1.8 or newer.
  • The Simple Build Tool SBT

Java 8

You need a working installation of the Java Runtime Environment version 8 (either OpenJDK or Oracle will do). Installation procedures may vary depending on your system (Windows, OSX, Linux), please follow the official guidelines for your system.


The compilation of a PML model can be easily performed with SBT. Installation procedures may vary depending on your system (Windows, OSX, Linux), please follow the official guidelines for your system.

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