Use PML by the examples

Argumentation patterns

The justification patterns considered for the CAST32-A are provided in the views.patterns package. These patterns can be used as a starting point to start your argumentation activity.

To compile and run the PHYLOG patterns example please enter the following commands:

 sbt runMain views.patterns.examples.PhylogPatterns

To compile and run the PHYLOG pattern instances example please enter the following commands:

 sbt runMain views.patterns.examples.PhylogPatternsInstances


Various benchmark systems for platform modeling are provided in the pml.examples package. These benchmarks can be used as a starting point to your modeling activity.

To compile and run the Keystone example please enter the following commands:

 sbt runMain pml.examples.keystone.KeystoneExport

To compile and run the SimplePlatform example please enter the following commands:

 sbt runMain pml.examples.simple.SimpleExport

Documentation is available here


For each view (interference, patterns and dependability) examples are provided in the dedicated views.X.examples. These benchmarks can be used as a starting point to your analysis activity. For instance, we can carry out the interference analysis of the Keystone platform with

# example of a PML model where an IDP interference model is generated
sbt runMain views.interference.examples.KeystoneExport

# example of a PML model where a Cecilia export is generated 
sbt runMain views.dependability.examples.KeystoneExport

If the tool is running on a Unix System you can use the Makefile to compile the DOT and LaTeX generated file:

# compile the DOT files
make pml
# compile the LaTeX Argumentation Patterns
make patterns

# transform PDF to PNG
make png