Editing a PML Model

The PML analyzer is based on a platform description provided in a Scala embedded Domain Specific Language called PML. Therefore, PML analyzer can be seen as an API to easily build your model and to carry out automatic analyses.

Any IDE can be used to edit PML models, we can recommend Intellij IDEA that provides support plugins for Scala and SBT.

Various benchmark systems for platform modeling are provided in the pml.examples package. These benchmarks can be used as a starting point to your modeling activity.

Getting started with Intellij

To edit PML model with Intellij please follow the installation steps given by JetBrain. The installation can be made for any platform and does not require any administrator privilege. Once the Intellij is installed please download the Scala and SBT Executor plugins.

Creating a project with Intellij

The build specifications and project structure are provided with the PML source code. So to create a project you simply have to select "Open project" on the starting menu of Intellij and indicate the directory containing PML (where the file build.sbt is).

The tool should then configure automatically your project. Please add all the library in lib as project libraries by right-clicking on them and select Add as library

The last step is to indicate the Java version of the project, to do so please go to File/Project Structure/Project/Project SDK and select Java 1.8

You are now able to build, run and debug your models with Intellij


Connection error while loading project or running build If your platform uses a proxy
please indicate the connection credentials in File/Settings/Appearance & Behaviour/System Settings/HTTP Proxy

No monosat library in path If you want to use the integrated interference computation please indicate the path to the dynamic library of monosat by editing your run configuration and adding to VM options Djava.library.path=yourPath