Keystone where all transactions are considered
- Graph
- Supertypes
- trait LibraryInstancestrait Instancestrait Instancestrait ApplicationInstancestrait GeneralInstancestrait Instancestrait Instancestrait BasicInstancestrait SimpleSoftwareAllocationtrait TransactionLibraryclass SimpleKeystonePlatformclass Platformtrait Instancestrait Instancestrait Instancestrait Instancestrait Instancestrait Instancesclass PMLNodeclass Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
Members list
t11: SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app1 begins by reading the interrupt code from SimpleKeystonePlatform.mpic
t11: SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app1 begins by reading the interrupt code from SimpleKeystonePlatform.mpic
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKeystoneTransactionLibrary
t12: SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app1 reads its input data from SimpleKeystonePlatform.ddr
t12: SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app1 reads its input data from SimpleKeystonePlatform.ddr
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKeystoneTransactionLibrary
t13: SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app1 it stores its output data in SimpleKeystonePlatform.ddr
t13: SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app1 it stores its output data in SimpleKeystonePlatform.ddr
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKeystoneTransactionLibrary
t211: SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app21 reads the last SimpleKeystonePlatform.eth message from SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram
t211: SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app21 reads the last SimpleKeystonePlatform.eth message from SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKeystoneTransactionLibrary
t212: SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app21 makes some input treatments on the message, and makes it available for SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app1 in SimpleKeystonePlatform.ddr
t212: SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app21 makes some input treatments on the message, and makes it available for SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app1 in SimpleKeystonePlatform.ddr
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKeystoneTransactionLibrary
t221: SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app22 reads output data of SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app1 from SimpleKeystonePlatform.ddr
t221: SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app22 reads output data of SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app1 from SimpleKeystonePlatform.ddr
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKeystoneTransactionLibrary
t222: SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app22 store the SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi frame then in SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram
t222: SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app22 store the SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi frame then in SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKeystoneTransactionLibrary
t223: SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app22 wakes up the SimpleKeystonePlatform.dma by writing the address of the SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi frames into SimpleKeystonePlatform.dma_reg
t223: SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app22 wakes up the SimpleKeystonePlatform.dma by writing the address of the SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi frames into SimpleKeystonePlatform.dma_reg
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKeystoneTransactionLibrary
t41: Each time an SimpleKeystonePlatform.eth frame arrives, it transfers the payload of the frame to SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram
t41: Each time an SimpleKeystonePlatform.eth frame arrives, it transfers the payload of the frame to SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKeystoneTransactionLibrary
pml.model.service.Service directly used by pml.model.hardware.Initiator
pml.model.service.Service directly used by pml.model.hardware.Initiator
- Inherited from:
- Instances
- Inherited from:
- Instances
Composite representing Keystone ARM cores and their internal L1 cache
Composite representing Keystone ARM cores and their internal L1 cache
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKeystonePlatform
- Graph
- Supertypes
Class encoding the used defined transactions (not already used)
Class encoding the used defined transactions (not already used)
- iniTgt
a by-name value providing the origin-destination service couples of the transaction (not evaluated during the object initialisation)
- sw
the application that can use this transaction
- userName
the name of the node
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibrary
- Graph
- Supertypes
Builder of platform Transaction
Class encoding the user defined transactions used in the configuration
Class encoding the user defined transactions used in the configuration
- iniTgt
the origin-destination services couples
- sw
the application that can use this transaction
- userName
the name of the node
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibrary
- Graph
- Supertypes
Builder of platform UsedTransaction
pml.model.service.Service provided by pml.model.hardware.Hardware
pml.model.service.Service provided by pml.model.hardware.Hardware
- Inherited from:
- Instances
Class encoding the defined transactions (not already used)
Class encoding the defined transactions (not already used)
- iniTgt
a by-name value providing the origin-destination service couples of the scenario (not evaluated during the object initialisation)
- sw
the application that can use this scenario
- userName
the name of the node
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibrary
- Graph
- Supertypes
Builder of platform Scenario
Encode node that are either transactions or scenarios
Encode node that are either transactions or scenarios
- name
the name of the transaction or scenario
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibrary
- Graph
- Supertypes
- Known subtypes
- class Scenarioclass Transaction
Class encoding the user defined scenarios used in the configuration
Class encoding the user defined scenarios used in the configuration
- iniTgt
the origin-destination services couples
- sw
the application that can use this scenario
- userName
the name of the node
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibrary
- Graph
- Supertypes
Builder of platform UsedScenario
Initiator modelling the DMA
Initiator modelling ethernet peripheral
Relation gathering user defined interfering hardware
Relation gathering user defined non-interfering hardware
Relation gathering user defined service interferences caused by a transaction
Relation gathering user defined service interferences caused by a transaction
- Inherited from:
- Instances
Relation gathering user defined service non-interference caused by a transaction
Relation gathering user defined service non-interference caused by a transaction
- Inherited from:
- Instances
Relation gathering user defined service interferences
Relation gathering user defined service non-interferences
Provide the map encoding of finalInterfereWith
Provide the map encoding of finalInterfereWith
- s
the set of scenario
- Returns:
the map encoding
- Inherited from:
- InterferenceSpecification
Check whether two scenarios will not occur simultaneously
Check whether two scenarios will not occur simultaneously
- l
the left scenarios
- r
the right scenarios
- Returns:
true if they cannot occur simultaneously
- Inherited from:
- InterferenceSpecification
Check whether two transaction will not occur simultaneously
Check whether two transaction will not occur simultaneously
- l
the left transaction
- r
the right transaction
- Returns:
true if they cannot occur simultaneously
- Inherited from:
- InterferenceSpecification
Provide the equivalence classes over s with views.interference.operators.Equivalent.Ops relation
Provide the equivalence classes over s with views.interference.operators.Equivalent.Ops relation
- s
the set of views.interference.model.specification.InterferenceSpecification.PhysicalTransactionId
- Returns:
the equivalence classes
- Inherited from:
- InterferenceSpecification
Provide the equivalence classes over s with views.interference.operators.Equivalent.Ops relation
Provide the equivalence classes over s with views.interference.operators.Equivalent.Ops relation
- s
the set of pml.model.service.Service
- Returns:
the equivalence classes
- Inherited from:
- InterferenceSpecification
the current owner id becomes the id of the current node
The full name of a platform is its base name concatenated with the configuration if available
The full name of a platform is its base name concatenated with the configuration if available
- Inherited from:
- Platform
the implicit descriptor of the source file where the platform is defined
the implicit descriptor of the source file where the platform is defined
- Inherited from:
- Platform
Provide the map encoding of channelNonEmpty
Provide the map encoding of channelNonEmpty
- s
the set of gathered scenarios
- Returns:
the map encoding
- Inherited from:
- InterferenceSpecification
Check if it exists at least one common service used by two set of scenarios
Check if it exists at least one common service used by two set of scenarios
- l
the left set of scenarios
- r
the right set of scenarios
- Returns:
true whether one channel exists
- Inherited from:
- InterferenceSpecification
Check the transaction and scenario libraries w.r.t. the transactions computed with the actual the ideal (but not requested situation) is one-to-one libraries definition of the platform
Check the transaction and scenario libraries w.r.t. the transactions computed with the actual the ideal (but not requested situation) is one-to-one libraries definition of the platform
- sMap
the scenario library to check
- tMap
the transaction library to check
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibrary
Add the services of transactionInterfereWith to the path and remove the ones of transactionNotInterfereWith
Add the services of transactionInterfereWith to the path and remove the ones of transactionNotInterfereWith
- t
the identifier of the transaction
- Returns:
the path of the transaction
- Inherited from:
- InterferenceSpecification
Check if two services interfere with each other
Check if two services interfere with each other
- l
the left service
- r
the right service
- Returns:
true if they interfere
- Inherited from:
- InterferenceSpecification
Check whether two hardware cannot work simultaneously
Check whether two hardware cannot work simultaneously
- l
the left hardware
- r
the right hardware
- Returns:
true if they cannot work simultaneously
- Inherited from:
- InterferenceSpecification
Convert an application to the set of transaction id its trigger
Convert an application to the set of transaction id its trigger
- Inherited from:
- BasicInstances
Convert an application to the set of transaction id its trigger
Convert an application to the set of transaction id its trigger
- Inherited from:
- BasicInstances
- Graph
- Supertypes
- class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
Convert a physical id to the corresponding path of services
Convert a physical id to the corresponding path of services
Convert a physical id to the corresponding path of services
- Inherited from:
- BasicInstances
- Graph
- Supertypes
- class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
Convert a user defined scenario to the set of its physical scenario ids
Convert a user defined scenario to the set of its physical scenario ids
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibraryInstances
Convert a user defined scenario to the set of its physical scenario ids
Convert a user defined scenario to the set of its physical scenario ids
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibraryInstances
- Graph
- Supertypes
- class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
Convert a user transaction to its physical transaction id
Convert a user transaction to its physical transaction id
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibraryInstances
Convert a user transaction to its physical transaction id
Convert a user transaction to its physical transaction id
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibraryInstances
- Graph
- Supertypes
- class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
Convert a user scenario id to the set of its physical scenario ids
Convert a user scenario id to the set of its physical scenario ids
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibraryInstances
Convert a user scenario id to the set of its physical scenario ids
Convert a user scenario id to the set of its physical scenario ids
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibraryInstances
- Graph
- Supertypes
- class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
Convert a user transaction id to its physical transaction id
Convert a user transaction id to its physical transaction id
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibraryInstances
Convert a user transaction id to its physical transaction id
Convert a user transaction id to its physical transaction id
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibraryInstances
- Graph
- Supertypes
- class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
Relation encoding the exclusivity constraints over pml.model.configuration.TransactionLibrary.UserScenarioId considered by the user
Relation encoding the exclusivity constraints over pml.model.configuration.TransactionLibrary.UserScenarioId considered by the user
- Inherited from:
- ApplicativeTableBasedInterferenceSpecification
Relation gather user defined exclusive software
Relation gathering user defined exclusive transactions
Relation gathering user defined exclusive scenarios
The set of services provided by the platform
The set of services provided by the platform
- Inherited from:
- TableBasedInterferenceSpecification
Map from the physical transaction id and their service sequence representation computed through an analysis of the platform WARNING: this lazy variable MUST NOT be called during platform object initialisation
Map from the physical transaction id and their service sequence representation computed through an analysis of the platform WARNING: this lazy variable MUST NOT be called during platform object initialisation
- Inherited from:
- InterferenceSpecification
Map from the service sequence representation to their id WARNING: this lazy variable MUST NOT be called during platform object initialisation
Map from the service sequence representation to their id WARNING: this lazy variable MUST NOT be called during platform object initialisation
- Inherited from:
- InterferenceSpecification
Target modelling external DDR
Target modelling DMA registers
Target modelling MPIC peripheral
Target modelling SPI peripheral
Target modelling SPI registers
Set gathering discarded transactions
Map from the user defined transaction to the physical transaction id this map does not contain user transactions with multi-path (contained in ...) WARNING: this lazy variable can be called ONLY AFTER TRANSACTION/SCENARIO DEFINITION
Map from the user defined transaction to the physical transaction id this map does not contain user transactions with multi-path (contained in ...) WARNING: this lazy variable can be called ONLY AFTER TRANSACTION/SCENARIO DEFINITION
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibrary
Map from the physical transaction id to the user defined id(s) It is possible that a physical transaction is linked to several (or none) user defined transactions WARNING: this lazy variable can be called ONLY AFTER TRANSACTION/SCENARIO DEFINITION
Map from the physical transaction id to the user defined id(s) It is possible that a physical transaction is linked to several (or none) user defined transactions WARNING: this lazy variable can be called ONLY AFTER TRANSACTION/SCENARIO DEFINITION
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibrary
app1 is an asynchronous applicative activated each time a external interrupt arrives
app1 is an asynchronous applicative activated each time a external interrupt arrives
- Inherited from:
- SimpleSoftwareAllocation
At each period app21 reads the last Ethernet message from SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram, makes some input treatments on the message, and makes it available for app1 in SimpleKeystonePlatform.ddr.
At each period app21 reads the last Ethernet message from SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram, makes some input treatments on the message, and makes it available for app1 in SimpleKeystonePlatform.ddr.
- Inherited from:
- SimpleSoftwareAllocation
At each period app22 reads output data of app1 from SimpleKeystonePlatform.ddr. It transforms them into SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi frames. The frames are then store in SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram. And finally app22 wakes up app3 by writing the address of the SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi frames into SimpleKeystonePlatform.dma_reg.
At each period app22 reads output data of app1 from SimpleKeystonePlatform.ddr. It transforms them into SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi frames. The frames are then store in SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram. And finally app22 wakes up app3 by writing the address of the SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi frames into SimpleKeystonePlatform.dma_reg.
- Inherited from:
- SimpleSoftwareAllocation
app3 is a microcode running on SimpleKeystonePlatform.dma. When woke up, app3 reads the SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi frame from SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram and transfers it to SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi
app3 is a microcode running on SimpleKeystonePlatform.dma. When woke up, app3 reads the SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi frame from SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram and transfers it to SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi
- Inherited from:
- SimpleSoftwareAllocation
app4 is an asynchronous microcode running on the SimpleKeystonePlatform.eth component. Each time an SimpleKeystonePlatform.eth frame arrives, it transfers the payload of the frame to SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram.
app4 is an asynchronous microcode running on the SimpleKeystonePlatform.eth component. Each time an SimpleKeystonePlatform.eth frame arrives, it transfers the payload of the frame to SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram.
- Inherited from:
- SimpleSoftwareAllocation
Scenario extension method
Scenario extension method
- x
id of the user scenario
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibrary
- Graph
- Supertypes
- class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
Scenario extension method
Data written by app21 in SimpleKeystonePlatform.ddr and read by app1
Data written by app21 in SimpleKeystonePlatform.ddr and read by app1
- Inherited from:
- SimpleSoftwareAllocation
Data written by app1 in SimpleKeystonePlatform.ddr and read by app22
Data written by app1 in SimpleKeystonePlatform.ddr and read by app22
- Inherited from:
- SimpleSoftwareAllocation
Register value written by app21 in SimpleKeystonePlatform.dma_reg
Register value written by app21 in SimpleKeystonePlatform.dma_reg
- Inherited from:
- SimpleSoftwareAllocation
Data written by SimpleKeystonePlatform.eth in SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram and read by app21
Data written by SimpleKeystonePlatform.eth in SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram and read by app21
- Inherited from:
- SimpleSoftwareAllocation
Interrupt read by app1
Data written by app22 in SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram and read by SimpleKeystonePlatform.dma
Data written by app22 in SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram and read by SimpleKeystonePlatform.dma
- Inherited from:
- SimpleSoftwareAllocation
SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi frame put by SimpleKeystonePlatform.dma on the SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi port
SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi frame put by SimpleKeystonePlatform.dma on the SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi port
- Inherited from:
- SimpleSoftwareAllocation
Transaction extension method
Transaction extension method
- x
id of the user transaction
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibrary
- Graph
- Supertypes
- class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
Transaction extension method
Transaction extension method
- x
id of the user transaction
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibrary
compute the considered scenarios depending on the configuration and the (optional) library, a scenario is either: a named and used transaction (e.g. val t = Transaction(a read b); t.used) a named and used scenario (e.g. val s = Scenario(t1, t2); s.used) an anonymous copy (e.g. a copy r on s) an anonymous transaction (e.g. a read b) not already involved in a copy, a named scenario or a named transaction WARNING this will discard an anonymous transaction defined inside and outside a copy, this issue does not occur if we keep the segregation Smart/NonSmart
compute the considered scenarios depending on the configuration and the (optional) library, a scenario is either: a named and used transaction (e.g. val t = Transaction(a read b); t.used) a named and used scenario (e.g. val s = Scenario(t1, t2); s.used) an anonymous copy (e.g. a copy r on s) an anonymous transaction (e.g. a read b) not already involved in a copy, a named scenario or a named transaction WARNING this will discard an anonymous transaction defined inside and outside a copy, this issue does not occur if we keep the segregation Smart/NonSmart
- Returns:
the set of scenarios
- Inherited from:
- InterferenceSpecification
Relation gathering user defined equivalent services
Map from the user defined scenario to the physical transaction id WARNING: this lazy variable can be called ONLY AFTER TRANSACTION/SCENARIO DEFINITION
Map from the user defined scenario to the physical transaction id WARNING: this lazy variable can be called ONLY AFTER TRANSACTION/SCENARIO DEFINITION
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibrary
Map from the used scenario and the application involved in these scenarios WARNING: this lazy variable can be called ONLY AFTER TRANSACTION/SCENARIO DEFINITION
Map from the used scenario and the application involved in these scenarios WARNING: this lazy variable can be called ONLY AFTER TRANSACTION/SCENARIO DEFINITION
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibrary
Map from the physical scenario id (set of transaction id) to the user defined scenario(s) It is possible that a scenario is linked to several (or none) user defined scenarios WARNING: this lazy variable can be called ONLY AFTER TRANSACTION/SCENARIO DEFINITION
Map from the physical scenario id (set of transaction id) to the user defined scenario(s) It is possible that a scenario is linked to several (or none) user defined scenarios WARNING: this lazy variable can be called ONLY AFTER TRANSACTION/SCENARIO DEFINITION
- Inherited from:
- TransactionLibrary
Composite modelling ARM0
Composite modelling ARM1
Composite modelling memory subsystem
Transporter modelling AXI bus
pml.model.service.Service that can be used by a
pml.model.service.Service that can be used by a
- Inherited from:
- Instances
Relation gathering routing constraints
Set of physical transactions WARNING: this lazy variable MUST NOT be called during platform object initialisation
Set of physical transactions WARNING: this lazy variable MUST NOT be called during platform object initialisation
- Inherited from:
- Platform
Map from the physical transaction id and their service sequence representation computed through an analysis of the platform WARNING: this lazy variable MUST NOT be called during platform object initialisation
Map from the physical transaction id and their service sequence representation computed through an analysis of the platform WARNING: this lazy variable MUST NOT be called during platform object initialisation
- Inherited from:
- Platform
Map from the sw to the physical transaction id (default is emptySet) WARNING: this lazy variable MUST NOT be called during platform object initialisation
Map from the sw to the physical transaction id (default is emptySet) WARNING: this lazy variable MUST NOT be called during platform object initialisation
- Inherited from:
- Platform
Map from the service sequence representation to their id WARNING: this lazy variable MUST NOT be called during platform object initialisation
Map from the service sequence representation to their id WARNING: this lazy variable MUST NOT be called during platform object initialisation
- Inherited from:
- Platform
When woke up, SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app3 reads the SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi frame from SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram and transfers it to SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi
When woke up, SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app3 reads the SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi frame from SimpleKeystonePlatform.MemorySubsystem.sram and transfers it to SimpleKeystonePlatform.spi
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKeystoneTransactionLibrary
t14: SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app1 runs using SimpleKeystonePlatform.ARM0 cache
t14: SimpleSoftwareAllocation.app1 runs using SimpleKeystonePlatform.ARM0 cache
- Inherited from:
- SimpleKeystoneTransactionLibrary
Type members
Inherited classlikes
Extension methods for physical transaction identifiers
Extension methods for physical transaction identifiers
- x
the name of the physical transaction
- Inherited from:
- Platform
- Graph
- Supertypes
- class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
Value members
Inherited methods
Derive implementation from serviceEquivalent
Derive implementation from serviceEquivalent
- l
the left service
- r
the right service
- Returns:
true if the services are equivalent
- Inherited from:
- TableBasedInterferenceSpecification
Derive implementation from transactionExclusive, swExclusive or same hardware owner
Derive implementation from transactionExclusive, swExclusive or same hardware owner
- l
the left transaction
- r
the right transaction
- Returns:
true if they cannot occur simultaneously
- Inherited from:
- TableBasedInterferenceSpecification
Derive implementation from hardwareExclusive
Derive implementation from hardwareExclusive
- l
the left hardware
- r
the right hardware
- Returns:
true if they cannot work simultaneously
- Inherited from:
- TableBasedInterferenceSpecification
Derive implementation from serviceInterfereWithService
Derive implementation from serviceInterfereWithService
- l
the left service
- r
the right service
- Returns:
true if they interfere
- Inherited from:
- TableBasedInterferenceSpecification
Derive implementation from transactionIsTransparent
Derive implementation from transactionIsTransparent
- t
the identifier of the transaction
- Returns:
true is the transaction is discarded
- Inherited from:
- TableBasedInterferenceSpecification
Build the scenario id as "t_1|...|t_n"
Build the scenario id as "t_1|...|t_n"
- s
the set of physical transactions forming the scenario
- Returns:
the unique id of the scenario
- Inherited from:
- Platform
Derive implementation from physicalTransactionIdInterfereWithService
Derive implementation from physicalTransactionIdInterfereWithService
- t
the identifier of the transaction
- Returns:
a set of services
- Inherited from:
- TableBasedInterferenceSpecification
Derive implementation from physicalTransactionIdNotInterfereWithService
Derive implementation from physicalTransactionIdNotInterfereWithService
- t
the identifier of the transaction
- Returns:
a set of services
- Inherited from:
- TableBasedInterferenceSpecification
Deprecated and Inherited methods
- Deprecated
- true
- Inherited from:
- InterferenceSpecification
- Deprecated
- true
- Inherited from:
- InterferenceSpecification
Inherited implicits
Extension methods for physical transaction identifiers
Extension methods for physical transaction identifiers
- x
the name of the physical transaction
- Inherited from:
- Platform