Try to find and parse itf results for the considered element
Try to find and parse the n-itf results for the considered element
Try to find and parse the n-itf-free results for the considered element
Compute for each hardware component the number of up to n-itf scenario where the component is involved in the interference channel.
The result is provided in a file of the analysis directory
Compute for each multi path transaction the number of up to itf scenario involving at least one of its branches
The result is provided in a file of the analysis directory
Compute for each multi path transaction the number of itf scenario involving at least one of its branches
The result is provided in a file of the analysis directory
Compute for each multi path transaction the number of itf scenario involving at least one of its branches
The result is provided in a file of the analysis directory
Compute for each hardware component the number of itf scenario where the component is involved in the interference channel
The result is provided in a file of the analysis directory
Compute for each hardware component the number of itf scenario where the component is involved in the interference channel
The result is provided in a file of the analysis directory