Package containing the operators related to interference computation that can be used on a PML model. Examples are provided in views.interference.examples.simpleKeystone.SimpleKeystoneInterferenceGeneration
- See also:
Analyse.Ops provides the operators related to interference computation with Monosat
PostProcess.Ops provides the operators related to the post processing of the interference computation
Interfere.Ops provides the operators related to interference assumptions
Exclusive.Ops provides the operators related to exclusive assumptions (e.g., two will not execute simultaneously)
Transparent.Ops proves the operators related to transparency assumptions (e.g., a pml.model.configuration.TransactionLibrary.Transaction is discarded)
- Note:
This package should be imported in all pml models as so
import onera.pmlanalyzer.views.interference.operators._
Members list
Type members
- Graph
- Supertypes
- class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Equivalent.type
- Graph
- Supertypes
- class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Exclusive.type
- Graph
- Supertypes
- class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Interfere.type
- Graph
- Supertypes
- class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- PostProcess.type
- Graph
- Supertypes
- class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Transform.type
- Graph
- Supertypes
- class Objecttrait Matchableclass Any
- Self type
- Transparent.type
Inherited extensions
- Inherited from:
- Ops
- Inherited from:
- Ops
Compare the interference results with another element and store the result in a dedicated file in the analysis folder
Compare the interference results with another element and store the result in a dedicated file in the analysis folder
- ev
the proof that any element of T is analysable
- that
the other element
- Returns:
the location of the result files
- Inherited from:
- Ops
Try to find and parse the n-itf-free results for the considered element
Try to find and parse the n-itf-free results for the considered element
- ev
the proof that any element of T is analysable
- n
the maximal size of transaction per itf scenario
- Returns:
the set of set of scenario identifiers that are interference free scenarios
- Inherited from:
- Ops
Try to find and parse the n-itf results for the considered element
Try to find and parse the n-itf results for the considered element
- ev
the proof that any element of T is analysable
- n
the maximal size of transaction per itf scenario
- Returns:
the set of set of scenario identifiers that are interference scenarios
- Inherited from:
- Ops
Try to find and parse itf results for the considered element
Try to find and parse itf results for the considered element
- ev
the proof that any element of T is analysable
- Returns:
the set of set of scenario identifiers that are interference scenarios
- Inherited from:
- Ops
Compute for each multi path transaction the number of itf scenario involving at least one of its branches The result is provided in a file of the analysis directory
Compute for each multi path transaction the number of itf scenario involving at least one of its branches The result is provided in a file of the analysis directory
- ev
the proof that any element of T is analysable
- max
the optional maximal size of the considered itf
- Returns:
the location of the result files
- Inherited from:
- Ops
Compute for each hardware component the number of itf scenario where the component is involved in the interference channel The result is provided in a file of the analysis directory
Compute for each hardware component the number of itf scenario where the component is involved in the interference channel The result is provided in a file of the analysis directory
- ev
the proof that any element of T is analysable
- max
the optional maximal size of the considered itf
- Returns:
the location of the result files
- Inherited from:
- Ops
Perform the interference analysis considering that all the initiators can execute a transaction
Perform the interference analysis considering that all the initiators can execute a transaction
- ev
the proof that the component is analysable
- ignoreExistingAnalysisFiles
do the analysis only even if result files for the considered platform can be found in the analysis directory (false by default)
- timeout
the maximal duration that is allowed to perform the interference computation.
- verboseResultFile
add extra information on analysis files (false by default)
- Returns:
the computation future
- Inherited from:
- Ops
Perform the interference analysis
Perform the interference analysis
- ev
the proof that the component is analysable
- ignoreExistingAnalysisFiles
do the analysis only even if result files for the considered platform can be found in the analysis directory (false by default)
- maxSize
the maximal number of initiator that can execute a transaction, it should be less or equal to the total number of initiators in the platform.
- timeout
the maximal duration that is allowed to perform the interference computation.
- verboseResultFile
add extra information on analysis files (false by default)
- Returns:
the computation future
- Inherited from:
- Ops
Provide a computation future (computation is not executed yet) of all interference up to maxsize
Provide a computation future (computation is not executed yet) of all interference up to maxsize
- ev
the proof that the component is analysable
- ignoreExistingAnalysisFiles
do the analysis only even if result files for the considered platform can be found in the analysis directory
- maxSize
the maximal number of initiator that can execute a transaction, it should be less or equal to the total number of initiators in the platform.
- verboseResultFile
add extra information on analysis files
- Returns:
the computation future
- Inherited from:
- Ops
- Inherited from:
- Ops
- Inherited from:
- Ops
- Inherited from:
- Ops
- Inherited from:
- Ops
The element x is discarded for interference analysis
The element x is discarded for interference analysis
- ev
proof that T can be discarded
- Inherited from:
- Ops