
object Message

Listing all information, warning or error messages displayed to the user


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

inline def analysisCompletedInfo(analysis: Any, time: Any): String
inline def analysisResultFoundInfo(folder: Any, platform: Any): String
inline def cycleWarning(visited: Seq[(Any, Any)], ini: Any, tgt: Any): String
inline def errorAntiReflexivityViolation(x: Any, in: Any): String
inline def errorAntiSymmetryViolation(l: Any, r: Any, in: Any): String
inline def errorReflexivityViolation(x: Any, in: Any): String
inline def impossibleRouteWarning(t: Service, from: Option[Application]): String
inline def impossibleScenarioWarning(userName: UserScenarioId): String
inline def impossibleTransactionWarning(userName: UserTransactionId): String
inline def iterationCompletedInfo(i: Any, n: Any, time: Any): String
inline def iterationResultsInfo(isFree: Boolean, computed: Map[Int, Int], over: Map[Int, BigInt]): String
inline def multiPathRouteWarning(from: Service, to: Service, transactions: Set[PhysicalTransaction]): String
inline def multiPathScenarioWarning(userName: UserScenarioId, list: Iterable[(PhysicalTransactionId, PhysicalTransaction)]): String
inline def printScenarioNumber(computed: Map[Int, Int], over: Map[Int, BigInt]): String
inline def startingNonExclusiveScenarioEstimationInfo(platform: Any): String
inline def successfulExportInfo(name: Any, time: Any): String
inline def successfulITFDifferenceExportInfo(size: Any, x: Any, y: Any, file: Any): String
inline def successfulModelBuildInfo(platform: Any, time: Any): String
inline def successfulNonExclusiveScenarioEstimationInfo(platform: Any, time: Any): String
inline def uselessRoutingConstraintWarning(from: Hardware, to: Hardware): String

Concrete fields

val cyclicGraphWarning: String