Members list
Provide all the object of the current type created for the platform, including the ones created in composite components
Provide all the object of the current type created for the platform, including the ones created in composite components
- owner
the name of the platform owning the objects
- Returns:
set of created objects
- Inherited from:
- PMLNodeBuilder
Provide all the object of the current type created for the platform, without the ones created in composite components
Provide all the object of the current type created for the platform, without the ones created in composite components
- owner
the name of the platform owning the objects
- Returns:
set of created objects
- Inherited from:
- PMLNodeBuilder
Value members
Concrete methods
A transaction can be built from an application targeting a load or a store service
A transaction can be built from an application targeting a load or a store service
- A
the type of requests
- iniTgt
the application/target service used
- name
the implicit name of the transaction (deduced from val used during instantiation)
- t
the type tag used to distinguish application loads and stores
- Returns:
the transaction (not used for now)
Main constructor of a transaction, note that transaction are memoized, so if the same name is used in the same platform the constructor will send back the previous definition of the transaction
Main constructor of a transaction, note that transaction are memoized, so if the same name is used in the same platform the constructor will send back the previous definition of the transaction
- iniTgt
the set of initial/target services defining the transaction
- name
the name of the transaction
- owner
the owner of the transaction (the platform)
- sw
the applications that may invoke this transaction
- Returns:
the transaction (not used for now)
A transaction can be from an application targeting a load or a store service
A transaction can be from an application targeting a load or a store service
- A
the type of requests
- iniTgt
the application/target service used
- name
explicit name of the transaction
- t
the type tag used to distinguish application loads and stores
- Returns:
the transaction (not used for now)
A transaction can be build from another transaction
A transaction can be build from another transaction
- from
the initial transaction
- name
the implicit name of the transaction (deduced from val used during instantiation)
- Returns:
the transaction (not used for now)
Inherited fields
- Inherited from:
- PMLNodeBuilder