Any hardware can route or forbid the transactions passing through him.
A routing constraint can be specified as follows.
If all transactions from an pml.model.hardware.Initiator (denoted initiator) to
a pml.model.hardware.Target (denoted target) are routed by an pml.model.hardware.Hardware (denoted router)
to one of its successor (denoted next) then
initiator targeting target useLink router to next
If the router forbids a specific route then
initiator targeting target cannotUseLink router to next
If the router forbids all routes then
initiator targeting target isBlockedBy router
If this constraint is true for all target, then the targeting keyword can be omitted in any previous construct
initiator useLink router to next
- See also:
- Note:
the constraint is fruitful iff a service of the router is linked to a service of next
- Graph
- Supertypes
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Members list
Concise view
Type members
Partial routing constraint where the initiator target couples are specified
Partial routing constraint where the initiator target couples are specified
- a
the initiator
- targets
the set of targets
- Graph
- Supertypes
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Partial routing constraint where the initiator target couples, the router and the type of routing
constraint are specified
Partial routing constraint where the initiator target couples, the router and the type of routing
constraint are specified
- a
the initiator
- forbid
if it is a blocking or routing constraint
- router
the router
- targets
the set of targets
- Graph
- Supertypes
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
PML keyword to specify the router blocking the route
PML keyword to specify the router blocking the route
- router
an hardware
- Returns:
a partial routing constraint where the initiator, the targets and the router are specified
PML keyword to specify the target used by the initiator for which a routing constraint applies
PML keyword to specify the target used by the initiator for which a routing constraint applies
- target
a target
- Returns:
the partial routing constraint where the initiator target couple is specified
PML keyword to specify the set of targets used by the initiator for which a routing constraint applies
PML keyword to specify the set of targets used by the initiator for which a routing constraint applies
- target
a set of targets
- Returns:
the partial routing constraint where the initiator target couples are specified
PML keyword to specify the hardware routing the transactions
PML keyword to specify the hardware routing the transactions
- router
an hardware
- Returns:
a partial routing constraint where the initiator, the targets and the router are specified